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The Arizona Homestead 

        I. Introduction When people get into financial trouble, one of the first things they think about is whether their home is safe from creditors. Creditors, on the other hand – who are often eager to find assets of the debtor to satisfy an unpaid judgment – often look to the biggest… Continue reading The Arizona Homestead 

Arizona Partition Actions

It is an unfortunate reality that our best-laid plans don’t always work out the way we imagined. This can be especially true when couples, friends, family members, or business partners decide to purchase real estate together. The co-owners or co-tenants may find themselves unable to agree about what to do with the property or whether… Continue reading Arizona Partition Actions

Arizona Landlord Tenant Laws

If you enter in to a residential landlord-tenant relationship, whether you are the tenant or landlord, it is important to be knowledgeable about the laws that govern the relationship. Here are just a few tips you can use to ensure that your rights are protected​ ​and ​​that you are prepared in the unfortunate event that… Continue reading Arizona Landlord Tenant Laws

Arizona Commerical Leases

Opening and running a business is not a simple undertaking. Included in the long list of tasks to oversee, procuring the space needed to operate which fulfills necessary size, zoning, and utility requirements can be daunting. Once the search is over and the right commercial space is found it is crucial the commercial lease is… Continue reading Arizona Commerical Leases

Independent Contractor or Employee

Details Created on Wednesday, 11 June 2014 00:32 Written by Super User This article addresses whether an employer should designate a new hire as an Independent Contractor or Employee. People commonly use the term “employee” to describe all workers who perform services for a business. Both state and federal law, however, distinguish different types of workers.… Continue reading Independent Contractor or Employee

Tucson Arizona Foreclosure Prevention Lawyers | Foreclosure Attorneys

Details Created on Saturday, 06 October 2012 21:55 Written by Super User ALTERNATIVES TO FORECLOSURE IN ARIZONA    In the wake of the latest real estate tsunami, survivor homeowners desperately cling on to the flotsam of bad mortgages and declining home values, where each month they are battered by yet another wave of payments.  The… Continue reading Tucson Arizona Foreclosure Prevention Lawyers | Foreclosure Attorneys

What you should know about Estate Planning

Details Created on Thursday, 23 May 2013 00:16 Written by Super User   As anyone familiar with the old adage well knows, life throws us curveballs that we can’t anticipate or predict. While thinking about our final days isn’t a subject we don’t often take time to think about, it is something that we have… Continue reading What you should know about Estate Planning

The Pitfalls of not Paying your Home Owner Association Assessments

Details Created on Thursday, 23 May 2013 00:22 Written by Super User    With the traumatic rise of homes falling into foreclosure and many homeowners filing for bankruptcy, it may seem like the current financial crisis is a storm with no end in sight. For many Arizona real estate law clients at the Heckele Law… Continue reading The Pitfalls of not Paying your Home Owner Association Assessments

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